An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her...
This is an unofficial production of Worm, by John “Wildbow” McCrae. Thanks to Kimberly Dauber for narrating No money is being made from this project, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Teneral E.5
This is an unofficial production of Worm, by John “Wildbow” McCrae. Thanks to Denver for narrating No money is being made from this project, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Teneral E.4
This is an unofficial production of Worm, by John “Wildbow” McCrae. Thanks to hk545 for narrating No money is being made from this project, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Teneral E.3
This is an unofficial production of Worm, by John “Wildbow” McCrae. Thanks to hk545 for narrating No money is being made from this project, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Teneral E.2
This is an unofficial production of Worm, by John “Wildbow” McCrae. Thanks to Sun for narrating No money is being made from this project, and no copyright infringement is intended. Thank you for listening.
An introverted teenage girl with an unconventional superpower, Taylor goes out in costume to find escape from a deeply unhappy and frustrated civilian life. Her first attempt at taking down a supervillain sees her mistaken for one, thrusting her into the midst of the local ‘cape’ scene’s politics, unwritten rules, and ambiguous morals. As she risks life and limb, Taylor faces the dilemma of having to do the wrong things for the right reasons.
This is an unabridged audiobook of the web serial Worm, by Wildbow. No copyright infringement is intended.