A history podcast that explores the narratives, turning points and characters that shape conflicts, encompassing a blend of social and military history. Followi...
In a now annual Battleground tradition, for a special Christmas treat we've recorded a special festive episode discussing the standout history books of the year, and the wider stories that surround them. Saul and Roger are joined by friends of the podcast - fellow historian Jessie Childs and publicist and historical novelist Richard Foreman.
Producer: James Hodgson
X: @PodBattleground
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231. Ukraine kills Russian general on the Kremlin's doorstep.
In this episode Saul and Patrick digest the two major events of the past week: Donald Trump’s interview with Time magazine, with some highly revealing comments on the Russia/Ukraine war. And the extraordinary assassination of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, the head of the Russian nuclear, chemical and biological protection forces, by agents of the Ukrainian security service in Moscow.
If you have any thoughts or questions, you can send them to - [email protected]
Producer: James Hodgson
X: @PodBattleground
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230. The Siege of Budapest
In the final days of 1944 the Red Army closed in on the Hungarian capital of Budapest, and amidst the utter chaos of the siege members of the Hungarian fascist party, the Arrow Cross, ran riot massacring the city's jewish population.
Joining Patrick, to discuss this often overlooked chapter of the Second World War is author and journalist Adam LeBor, who's book on the subject - The Last Days of Budapest: Spies, Nazis, Rescuers and Resistance, 1940-1945.
If you have any thoughts or questions, you can send them to - [email protected]
Producer: James Hodgson
X: @PodBattleground
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229. How Assad's fall reshapes the Ukraine conflict.
With the shock waves of the fall of Bashir al Assad still reverberating Saul and Patrick look
at the way this profoundly important event has reshaped the Ukraine conflict and the global order generally.
They also look at the battlefield and try to get a feel for how much trouble Ukraine might be in, and investigate the latest twist in relations between Zelensky and Trump.
If you have any thoughts or questions, you can send them to - [email protected]
Producer: James Hodgson
Twitter: @PodBattleground
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228. The Battle of the Bulge
On December 16, 1944, Hitler launched his 'last gamble' in the snow-covered forests of the Ardennes in Belgium, hoping to smash through the Allied lines in the west and retake the Belgian port of Antwerp on the coast of the English Channel.
Joining Saul to discuss the Battle of the Bulge is bestselling historian Sir Antony Beevor, who provides a deeply informative and definitive account of the Battle from his expertise from writing his award winning book - Ardennes 1944: The Battle of The Bulge.
If you have any thoughts or questions, you can send them to - [email protected]
Producer: James Hodgson
Twitter: @PodBattleground
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A history podcast that explores the narratives, turning points and characters that shape conflicts, encompassing a blend of social and military history. Following on from the series on the Falklands War, best-selling military historians Patrick Bishop and Saul David turned their attention to the war in Ukraine, and now every Wednesday look back to the seismic events of 1944.
Goalhanger Podcasts
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